A Typical NI Christmas Day

Christmas Dinner Cover

10 Typical Ways Northern Irish Households Spend Christmas

Christmas Day can mean a whole matter of things for all sorts of individuals and families. From overindulging to curling up on the sofa to watch an old Christmas favourite, below are a few Christmas Day habits many of you may be familiar with.

1. Early Morning

For many parents, Christmas will mean a late night on Christmas Eve (making sure all is ready), then an early wake-up call from excitable kids the next morning. However, despite the sleep deprivation and the rude awakening, it is all made worthwhile when a parent looks at their child’s happy face as they open their presents from Santa. 

2. Pyjama Day

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Even if a trip out to church or to see relatives is on the cards on Christmas Day, much of the day will be spent in new pyjamas when at home. From checked pyjamas to a onesie, it’s the one day of the year when no one can blame you for donning those cosy pjs all day long (so long as you don’t wear them outdoors!). 

3. The Choosy Eater

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There will often be at least one person in the family who has a dietary request or dislikes a particular type of food come Christmas Day, be it someone who doesn’t eat meat, detests Brussel sprouts, or can’t eat anything that has a certain ingredient in it. 
Check out our Christmas Recipes for some ideas and inspiration for cooking this Christmas. 

4. Surprise Guests

Many households will inevitably experience one or two unexpected guests over the festive season. Without warning, there will be a knock on the door and before you’ve even lifted yourself off the sofa, there will be a relative or neighbour invited in for a cup of tea or a night cap and any leftover treats.  

5. Seconds… or thirds

Christmas isn’t Christmas without a few helpings of dinner on your plate - after all, it would be rude not to help yourself to as many roast potatoes, turkey and gravy as you possibly can. Once the main meal has settled, it’s then time to tuck into dessert, a scrumptious cheese board and/or a post-dinner tipple.    

6. TV Favourites

Every family will have their favourite viewing on Christmas Day, whether it’s the Queen’s speech, a re-run of The Office, or a classic Christmas movie. Whatever the choice of TV, you can be sure that family members will be clamouring to get their space on the sofa or armchair before indulging in some festive viewing. 

7. The Sweet Wrapper Culprit

No one will ever admit to leaving empty wrappers in the sweet tin but there is always one person who just can’t help themselves! This is made even worse when it comes to digging around in the sweet tin yourself and finding all that is left of your favourites are shiny yet empty wrappers! 

8. Gift Faux Pas

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Come Christmas Day, there will be kids rushing down the stairs and families gathering round to open presents - the anticipation and excitement all too much! Then the moment arrives to open presents and, as presents are unwrapped, there will inevitably be one or two disappointed faces among smiles. 
To ensure there are no Christmas let-downs, check out our 10 Gifts to Avoid Buying this Christmas or our gift list for Him and Her

9. Board Game Face-Off

Whether its Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly or the latest board game, board games tend to bring out the most competitive of family and friends at Christmas. There will be one member of your family you will be loath to play against or someone you’re looking forward to beating this year. Whatever the case, do play gently to avoid any fallouts over the festive season! 

10. The Napper 

On Christmas Day, a grandparent or parent will often be found snoring on the armchair as they recover from their Christmas meal. And, instead of waking them up, this is the perfect opportunity to switch over to your Christmas favourite TV show and to see what’s left over in that sweet tin! 

What is your typical Christmas Day?

Tell us what happens every year in your household on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #SmarterLiving.  

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