How to prepare for and stay safe during a storm

Storm preparation kit

With the recent storm announcement, we’d like to share with you some key things you can do to prepare for a storm, the best way to ride out a storm, and what to do after it has all blown over. Please take particular note of the key emergency phone numbers and contact information so you can stay in touch and stay safe.

Get Storm Ready

Emergency Storm Contacts:

  • NIE Power Check website 
  • You can use NIE Networks Power Check to check for planned power cuts. Just input your postcode here and you will see when a power cut has been planne

  • Report faults to NIE Networks here

  • For updates: See twitter @ElectricIrelandni or @NIENetworks 

Before the storm

The best way to be ready for a storm arriving is to make preparations. We’ve listed some of the essential items you should have safely stored away and some of the things you should do ahead of time.

Things to keep in your storm kit

  • Bottled Water
  • Food - ready to eat in case of power outages
  • Stocked-up first aid kit - easy access to medication such as inhaler, insulin, etc.
  • Keep spare batteries for a torch.
  • Spare batteries - Phone power bank
  • Baby supplies - baby food, formula, boiled water, nappies, wipes
  • Pet food
  • Toiletries
  • Hot-water bottle
  • Camping stove and gas canister

Download your printable storm kit checklist

Things to do before a storm hits

  • Check the weather forecast for weather warnings, visit Weather and climate change - Met Office.
  • Have your MPRN number readily available
  • Know where your household fuses and trip switches are so that you can check if there are any problems with your own electrics
  • Secure garden furniture
  • Secure trampolines, swing sets, etc.
  • Secure shed and garage doors, be aware of how to override electric gates
  • Save emergency numbers to your phone or have them written down  – ESB, etc.
  • Check on vulnerable family, friends and neighbours
  • Keep pets inside
  • Learn how to turn off the water supply (usually under the kitchen sink).
  • Keep phones and computers charged
  • If you are dependent on electricity for medical reasons, contact us and we will register you as a customer with medical needs and notify ESB Networks

During a storm

  • Be prepared for possible power outages. Keep fridge and freezers closed to help prevent food wastage.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • In case of debris being blown in the wind draw your blinds and stay away from window and doors to protect against shattered glass.
  • Turn your heating on - not only for warmth and comfort - but to avoid frozen pipes.
  • In a power outage, unplug or turn off electrical appliances to avoid overloading circuits when the power returns. Leave a lamp on to alert you when power comes back on. Turning taps on lightly helps keep pipes from freezing.
  • Stay indoors. If you must travel, be sure it’s safe. Anticipate strong crosswinds and hazards. Always expect the unexpected.
  • Avoid fallen power lines. Always assume they’re dangerous. Call NIE networks (03457 643 643) immediately to report fallen lines or power outages. Avoid exposed coastal areas.
  • Check for updates on power outages on the PowerCheck site

After a storm

  • Carefully inspect the exterior of your home to see if there has been any damage caused.
  • Be cautious of fallen trees, electricity wires and telephone poles.
  • Report any fallen wires to ESB Networks on 1800 372 999.
  • Check on vulnerable family, friends and neighbours.

Download our Storm checklist

Stay safe 

Avoid travel – If possible, avoid travel unless necessary. If you need to travel, please make sure it’s safe to do so and visit the AA website for tips on how to prepare your vehicle. 

Stock up on supplies – ensure you have a heat source and a backup plan in the event of a power outage. Stock up on blankets, charge mobile phones and devices as well as stocking up on food, water and other items such as batteries, flashlights, candles, matches. It’s also a good idea to ensure your home and your car has an emergency kit. 

Check in on neighbours – Be sure to check on elderly and vulnerable family friends or neighbours to ensure they are warm, have a heat source, a supplies of food, water, medications, smoke / carbon monoxide alarm, mobile phone and charger and someone to call for assistance. 

Stay warm 

It’s important to turn on heating not only for comfort but also to avoid any damage due to frozen pipes. Keypad customers - please ensure your keypad meter is topped up, advice to top up your meter can be found here. Ensure that there are enough blankets and warm clothes in the home in the case of a power outage. 

In the event of a power outage 

Should a fault occur, please report it to NIE Networks or if you have no internet access please call NIE Networks on 03457 643 643. 

Customers without power can check for updates on when their fault is expected to be repaired on the PowerCheck site.