A Thank You to Football Mums

8 Reasons to Thank Football Mums

In celebration of Mother’s Day and our ongoing Club Game Changers campaign, we thought it only fitting to highlight what makes football Mums so special and what makes them #GameChangers too!

Thank you football Mum

1. Your Biggest Fan

A Mum will often be the biggest fan cheering her son or daughter at a football match. Where possible, she will be at every match, the loudest voice you will hear from the side lines, and always cheering her loved one on no matter how well they’re playing.

2. Dinner Time

Family dinner
It is important for footballers to have the right nutrition when playing sport regularly, so that they have the energy to play, and the ability to recover. Mums will have some part to play in making sure her footballing son or daughter is fed well - whether it is teaming up with Dad or getting the whole family involved in cooking a meal.

3. Understanding

Like any sport, a footballer will experience some great wins and suffer some crushing defeats, and Mums are often there during the good and bad times. Although it’s not the end of the world if a team loses a football match, a Mum will understand how important it is to her passionate footballer.

4. Buying New Gear

New football gear
Between Mum and Dad, most young footballers will need money towards a new kit or football items throughout the year. Whether it’s a new pair of boots or latest football shirt, Mum’s hard work is part of what makes these new items possible.

5. Confidence

Mums are always there to fill you with confidence during the good and bad times. It may be during a game as she roars from the side of the pitch to urge you on, or it could be during a difficult time when you’re not playing well. She will always be there to reassure you that everything is ok.

6. Useful Advice

If you’re ever looking for someone to talk to for advice, you can look no further than your own Mum. She knows what’s best for you, whether it’s about something on or off the football field. There may be times when you don’t believe she’s right, but she knows you better than anyone else.

7. Commitment

Being a football Mum requires a huge amount of commitment. This includes lifts to and from training and braving the cold weather in the winter as she watches you play from the side lines. She will always remain interested in how well you’re playing, regardless of the result.

8. Selfless

Many a football Mum will often put their child before themselves. They will understand that you may be annoyed after a game of football, whether it was a tough game or a bad referee decision. They will try and cheer you up and often try and turn the joke on to themselves to make you laugh.

Tell us what makes your Mum great using the hashtag #GameChangers on either Facebook or Twitter and we might just share them with our followers.

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