7 Tips to Getting Healthier in 2018

dumb bellsThe New Year brings with it opportunities and challenges in equal measure. January can represent a fresh start and a chance to look forward to what 2018 might have in store. For many, this often means a New Year health kick. So, whether you plan of getting more active in 2018, or you simply want to start eating better, here are seven tips to help you work towards your goal of a healthier you in 2018.

Easy Tips for a Healthier and Happier 2018

1. A Daily List 

A healthy and positive mind-set can often be a great way to improve your all-round health in 2018. Begin each day by making a list of everything you are grateful for, and try to note one positive thing you plan to do each day. You will find this a rewarding exercise, and a great way to set you up for the day ahead.

Keep an eye out for more information on the 2018 Darkness Into Light event, which takes place on Saturday 12th May, supporting a brighter future for everyone. You can find out more about Darkness Into Light, by reading about the 2017 Darkness into Light event on our blog or visit Pieta.ie.

2. A Good Night's Sleep

good night sleepWhile eating healthier and getting active are often top of many people’s lists of ways to get fitter and healthier in the New Year, one crucial element that is often overlooked is sleep. A good night's sleep is vital in helping you maintain things like regular immune function, metabolism and memory, so aim for eight hours sleep each night, and remember, it will be the hours before midnight that count!

3. Daily Workout

dumb bellsGetting active is great for both your body and mind, and doesn’t need to take too much effort. Begin with a daily exercise – something you find easy to do – and try to build this into a longer routine or even a walk, cycle or run. The important thing is to try and get into a regular routine, and if you’re working out for 15 – 30 minutes per day, you’ll soon see a big change in how you feel. So, whether it’s signing up to your local gym, a quick workout in your home or going for a walk / jog, try to get some form of daily activity, and have a weekly plan that you will work towards.

4.  Less Sitting, More Standing

An important one to consider if you work in the office and are sitting a lot during the day, sitting down for a long period of time isn’t good, particularly for your posture. If you are working in an office or spend a lot of time sitting down, try to get up for a brief walk every 30 minutes. Sitting down for long periods can affect your metabolism and the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. If you are office based, try to get into a routine of going for a quick walk every 30 minutes.

Find out more about why you should sit less by visiting nhs.uk.

5. Eat Less and More Often

When it comes to eating healthier, many of us immediately start to think about what we eat rather than how we eat. So, if you’re planning on eating better in 2018, look at how much and how often you eat, as well as looking at what you are eating. Consider eating smaller portions at more regular intervals.

6. Monitor Your Activity

FitbitWhether it’s the food you are eating, how you are sleeping or what exercise you are doing, it is good to keep a record of your progress. You can do this manually by keeping a diary of your sleep patterns, what you eat and what exercise you’ve done, along with a weekly weigh in, or you can let tech help you out. There are some great apps to help you monitor how you live, while devices like the Fitbit (as featured in our Best Electrical Items for New Year’s Resolutions) allow you to stay on top of your activity, and get all your vital information at the touch of a button.

7. Pay Your Doctor a Visit

If a visit to the doctor is something you have been putting off for a long-time, why not start the New Year in the right way by visiting your GP for a general check-up. Not only will this give you a chance to get an idea of your overall health, it is also an opportunity to chat to your GP about any concerns or questions you might have about your health. Being guided by your GP is a great way to start the year.

Share Your 2018 Health Tips

Share your top tips for getting fit and healthy in 2018 by using the hashtag #SmarterLiving on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
