10 Reasons to Love January

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January may not be the sunniest or most exciting month of the year, but there is a lot to be grateful for this month. Really!
Whether you’re dreading going back to work or not looking forward to school runs in the cold weather, there are a few things to take hold of and delight in as you face the start of the new year. Find below our 10 reasons to love January. 

10 Reasons to Look Forward to January

1. Time to Reflect

A new year is a great opportunity to look back at the year before and see what opportunities lie ahead.  Whatever year you have had, you can at least focus on what goals, hopes and dreams you have for 2018. Whether it’s to travel to a new place, try a change in career or become more involved in the local community, taking time to reflect on what you want from the year ahead can only be a good thing.  

 2. Healthy and Happy

January is often the time of year when individuals give up alcohol, sugar or take up a gym membership to make up for  the overindulging done at Christmas. If you are one of those people then you may not see the benefits of your good deeds straight away, but, come February, you will be thanking January for a healthier, happier you.    

3. January Savings

The January sales can be a good time of year to bag a bargain and save yourself money that might be spent later in the year. Of course, if the thought of shopping makes you queasy after Christmas then there is no better month than January to lay low and give your bank card a rest.

4. No FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

You need not worry about missing out on anything over January as most people will be hibernating and avoiding the miserable weather outside. Put it this way, you can rest assured that you won’t be the only one snuggled up on your sofa at the weekend.

5. Off the Grid

January January can be a perfect opportunity to switch off from the outside world and give yourself a break from your phone or computer. Taking a rest from your social media accounts - or endless WhatsApp messages - could prove to be the best start you give yourself this new year.  For instance, why not replace your phone with a good book instead.

6. Have a Laugh

On January 24th the world will be celebrating Global Belly Laugh Day, proving that January doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. If you’re needing some cheering up then this is the perfect day to indulge in a few laughs at work, with family, or among friends. Perhaps there is a local comedy event you could go to or a funny TV series you could watch with all the family.

7. Laying Low

Although Christmas can be a joyous and exciting time of year, come January a lot of us will be glad of a quieter and easier month. If you have been hosting family or travelling over the festive season, then you will be glad to see January and the opportunity to take some well-earned rest.  

 8. Presents

Granted December is a fun month for receiving presents, it’s in January that you’re more likely to be enjoying them. Whether it’s a new jumper, a spa voucher or favourite novel, January will be the time when you’re able to make the most out of any Christmas gifts. 

9. Get a Hug

Hug day Did you know that National Hugging Day is on 21st January? Well, if not, you have a whole lot of love - and hugs - to look forward to on this special day. The creator of National Hugging Day supposedly chose this date so it would fall conveniently between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day, ensuring nobody would feel down in the dumps between these special dates.

10. TV Month

Whether it’s catching up on your Netflix series or enjoying the start of awards season, January is a great month for sitting in front of the TV and not feeling guilty about it. If you’re really wanting to spoil yourself, then you could allow yourself dinner in front of the TV this month.

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