7 DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas

 7 DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas


Looking for ways to dress up your home this Halloween without blowing the budget? Find below 7 great ways to give your house the spooky touch this Halloween without spending too much money. Plus, DIY Halloween decorations are a great way to get the kids involved in arts and crafts.

1. Web Table Cloth

Take a long piece of black cloth the size of the table you wish to cover, draw the shape of a web outline on the cloth with some chalk then use scissors to cut it out. Wash out the chalk in the washing machine or with a wet cloth… Et voila! You have yourself a web inspired table cloth! The beauty of this DIY design is that no sewing is required and you can also make web-styled coasters with a smaller version of this design.

2. Spooky Cake Toppers

Baking some spooky treats over Hallowe’en? Then why not dress them up with spooky cake toppers. All you need for this is some felt which can be cut into spiders or bats then secured with a bit of wiring or a cocktail stick coloured in black.

3. Pumpkin Jars

A lovely way to decorate your home over Hallowe’en is to fill it with pumpkin inspired candle holders and jars. These can be easily made from old jam jars or votives you have lying around the house. Visit Makeit-Loveit.com for a step-by-step guide on how to create your very own pumpkin jars.

4. Halloween Staircase

Wrap toilet paper and some black and orange bunting round your staircase for a simple Hallowe’en look and feel. The black and orange bunting can be easily created with orange and black paper cut into triangles or spooky creatures.

5. Spooky Potions

Use old bottles to create spooky potion bottles that can be displayed among your other Hallowe’en decorations. Write out potion names and stick them on bottles for added effect. Craft in Crosby doesn’t do things half and their directions on how to create a spooky potion bottle are very good if you’re wanting some more help with this.

6. Pimp Up your Pumpkin

pumpkin final

Of course, the traditional pumpkin carving can’t be beat, however, there are many ways you can make your pumpkin stand out from the rest. Check out Women’s Day’s many ideas on how to pimp up your pumpkin this Halloween.

7. Monster Doorway

Dress up your door this Halloween with some monster inspired decorations. These can be easily made with coloured paper, felt, googly eyes and, of course, a few little ones to make sure those monsters are as scary as possible! Be inspired by The Paper Mama when making your monster creations.

Have any other DIY Halloween decoration ideas?

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