#GameChangers: Meet Electric Ireland Women’s Challenge Cup Winner, Kendra McMullan

Electric Ireland Womens Challenge Cup Winners 2017
Kendra McMullan, Captain of Sion Swifts, Electric Ireland Women’s Challenge Cup Winners

Having led Sion Swifts Ladies football team as captain and scoring the two winning goals to secure the Electric Ireland Women’s Challenge Cup for the team, Captain Kendra McMullan is a formidable player who can definitely be counted among those blazing a trail for women’s football.

As part of Electric Ireland Northern Ireland’s campaign to break the perceptions that exist around women’s football and to highlight #GameChangers in the sport, we caught up with Kendra to find out what inspired her to play football and to see what nuggets of wisdom we could gleam for those wanting to follow in her footsteps.

“I started playing football at a young age as my daddy was a big Manchester United fan. He always had me out in the garden kicking a ball and I loved it,” says Kendra.

“I have always loved football since the first time I remember kicking a ball - from the days I spent in the garden with my daddy to playing at the top of the street with all the boys.”

Kendra’s Football Journey

Kendra has come a long way since playing football out on the street, having joined a young girl’s team at 11 years old, then transitioning from Under 13s to Under 19s teams. She is currently a member on Northern Ireland’s senior squad, taking part in World Cup qualifiers and several of the European championship games. Additionally, she has played within the county excellence programme.

Amidst all this, Kendra has had a lot to deal with after losing her father at a young age but the young player has continued to play and has had incredible support from her mum. 

“Having lost my daddy at a young age meant my mummy had to take on a big role; she took me to every training session I needed to go to, whether it was here locally or even in Belfast for international training. My mum went from not having a big interest in football to watching me at training and playing at matches. She never pressured me at any time but was always full of encouragement and supported me. So much so that, even now I’m at the age of 24, she’s still my No.1 fan!”

Team Effort

Kendra can’t be more complimentary of her team mates and there is a real sense of camaraderie when she speaks about them and her coaches.

“The girls are fantastic and like family, and we have such a great team spirit. Our coaches and management staff, Tony McGinley and Tommy Canning, are incredible in what they have helped us girls achieve from starting this club. They put so much time and effort into us; encouraging and giving us the confidence we need and believing in us week in week out, which I believe is why we as a team have been so successful.”

Kendra’s Match Preparation

For any footballer it is as much about preparation off the pitch as it is in playing, and for Kendra, her different ways of preparing for a match seem to be working out well for her so far.

“When preparing for a match I always like to make sure I know I’m making the right choices which will help me be at my best at every game. I make sure I get enough sleep at night, eat the right foods and also drink plenty of water. I also like to have my bag ready with my boots cleaned, so that when I finish my work I’m ready to go. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!”

“I train most days of the week - on my own at the gym or at training with the team, but I also know it’s very important to take rest days to allow your body time to recover.

As for nutritional tips, Kendra sticks to a healthy and well balanced diet (with a few treats thrown in for good measure!)

“I always believe it’s very important to keep your body well hydrated and to try eating the healthy foods to fuel my body to perform the best way that it can… Before a game I love a clean, healthy meal, which could contain chicken, avocado and some baby boils, or turkey steaks and some rice, where I know I’m getting my carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats in the one meal. 

“I would have a very healthy diet as I train a lot but I also like my treats - I love pizza and ice-cream! I also like to eat a banana and some wine gums before I play!”

Before (and during) every match Kendra also makes sure to pay tribute to her late father.

“I have a small picture of my daddy which I take to every game with me, and kiss before leaving the changing room. Also, if I score, I point and blow a kiss to the sky because I know he would be very proud!”

What Does it Take to be a Game Changer?

In line with our support of #GameChangers in women’s football, we asked Kendra for her thoughts on what it takes to be a Game Changer:

“I think it takes hard work, passion, desire, being a leader on and off the pitch and also the belief in you. Never let no one or nothing knock you down! Enjoy what you do best and results will follow!”

As for the “Game Changer” in her life, she says, “My inspiration has to be my mummy, as without this woman I would not have had the opportunities I have had playing football. From playing for my country and flying to different countries to trying a football Scholarship in America, my Mum has supported helped me be the best I could be and to follow my dreams.

“On the pitch my inspiration has to be Cristiano Ronaldo, as from a young age I always loved watching him play. He is a talent who works so hard and every day wants to be stronger, fitter and better.”

Through our Club Game Changers scheme you can support your local football club when you switch to Electric Ireland. Your selected club will get £25 and you save up to £50 when you switch. Find out more here.