What it Takes to be a Game Changer

Game Changers

What Does it Take to be a Game Changer?  

A Game Changer has been defined in the English dictionary as “a person or idea that significantly affects the outcome of something.” This could be someone who is making a difference in the field of science, sport, business, health and finance who is making an impact; or it could even be someone who is making a mark through their everyday life.

As part of a campaign to break the perceptions that exist around women’s football, Electric Ireland Northern Ireland has been supporting #GameChangers who are blazing the trail for women’s football. In doing so, we have come across many individuals – some in the spotlight and others not – that are making an impact and are proving to be real Game Changers.

But what does it take to a Game Changer? We have pulled together seven top qualities that seem to represent the #GameChangers of today.

1) Commitment

Many #GameChangers (although they might not consider themselves #GameChangers per se) have devoted many hours to get to where they are today. Success definitely doesn’t come easy and a Game Changer will dedicate a lot of time towards achieving their goal/s.

When we caught up with Grace, young star of the recent Electric Ireland NI #GameChangers Ad, she certainly demonstrated the importance of commitment. Read her interview here.

2) Vision

#GameChangers generally know where they are heading and what it is they want to achieve. There is a clear sense of what they are working towards and awareness that success will take time and very possibly a lot of hard work.

3) Team Player

A Game Changer will see the value of working as a team and facing any highs and lows together. Emma McMaster, captain of the U19 Northern Ireland Women’s team, is an example of this when she bravely led the U19 NI Women’s team at the recent UEFA Women’s Finals in Northern Ireland. Read our interview with Emma here.

4) Passion

Passion is an important quality for anyone looking to push through the mould and encourage a new or better ways of doing things. It is a passion for something that will keep a true game changer going, especially during any tough times.

5) Sense of humour

A lot can be said about having a sense of humour when braving any elements that come with being a Game Changer. Rather than letting stress or worry take over, a Game Changer will do their best to make light of a situation and won’t take themselves too seriously.

6) Resilience

It is not easy to be a Game Changer. A Game Changer will inevitably come up against challenges such as barriers, criticism or even self-doubt, particularly when they are challenging the status quo. This is where resilience steps in and enables a Game Changer to push their way through any barriers. It means finding the fire to do battle with any doubts and other people’s expectations.

Alfie Wylie, captain of NI’s U19 Women’s team seemed to know something about this when we caught up with him recently. He described a Game Changer as having a “Proper attitude, dedication, a willingness to learn and a willingness to work hard and take the setbacks.” Read Alfie’s interview in full here.

7) Humble

A true Game Changer will be steadfast in what they are working towards and will treat everyone as their equal. A Game Changer will look beyond themselves rather than doing something for their own gain. They will be forging a way for others and looking at ways in which they can pass on the baton to others.

Marissa Callaghan, Captain of the Northern Ireland Women’s Football team, has been a great example of this in her support and encouragement of younger female footballers who are following her lead.

Of course, it is not possible for all of us to be #GameChangers but we can certainly get behind those who are making a different in sport and other areas. Watch the Electric Ireland NI #GameChangers video here.

What other qualities make a Game Changer?

What other qualities would you consider a Game Changer to have? Share them on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #GameChangers.

Through our Club Game Changers scheme you can support your local football club when you switch to Electric Ireland. Your selected club will get £25 and you save up to £50 when you switch. Find out more here