Healthy After School Snacks

The hungry hour between getting home from school and the dinner being served can be a long wait for kids! Without filling them up too much, here are some healthier after school snack alternatives that will squash their cravings and keep them satisfied until dinner time.

Healthy After School Snacks for the Kids


Flapjacks are a tasty snack (and treat) to keep your kids satisfied while waiting for their dinner, and a healthier replacement for chocolate bars. They also make good snacks for lunch boxes as the oats are a slow release energy food which will keep kids going throughout the school day. These only take 5 minutes to prep then your oven can do the rest of the work and they can also be stored in the fridge if you’re making a large batch. Follow Annabel Karmel’s recipe to enjoy.

Fruit and yoghurt

If there isn’t too much of a gap between getting home from school and dinner time, then fruit & oats yoghurt pots are the way to go. These light and tasty yoghurt pots are full of goodness as they are packed with whichever fruit your child is a fan of, from berries to grapes, and then topped with delicious Greek or plain yoghurt. Check out the full recipe here.

Apple and peanut butter

Peanut butter is a healthier alternative to chocolate and can squash the same craving.  Dress up some granny smith apples with a drizzle of peanut butter to make this a more appetising snack for your child. This may not seem like much, but apples are full of fibre and peanut butter contains protein which means these two foods together will keep your child fuller for longer.

Hummus with pitta chips

Hummus with pitta bread chips can be a hit with kids of all ages – and you might even be tempted to try this one yourself! Hummus can easily be bought in the shop but why not give it a go and make your own homemade version? It’s quick and easy which is perfect for after school and, can also be served with pitta bread chips to stop the kids reaching for a bag of crisps. 

Pizza toast

Pizza for dinner might excite your kids but if it’s not on the menu, Pizza toast can be a quick fix snack if hunger starts to kick in before dinner. It gives all the goodness of pizza but is of course, on a slice of toast which makes it less filling and healthier! All you’ll need to do is place bread on a prepared baking tray and spread with tomato puree or pizza sauce. Top with a little mozzarella or whatever cheese you have in the house and mini pepperonis – or anything they fancy!

Chocolate dipped tangerines

Perhaps the easiest on our list but equally delicious! Chocolate and orange make the best combination so why not try dipping orange slices in a little melted chocolate and leave to solidify in the fridge. A great source of Vitamin C but a sweet snack that feels like a real treat!

Do you know a parenting hero who deserves a treat of their own? We are giving an Indie Fude box to a parent each week, simply click here to enter.

What’s your kids favourite healthy snacks? Share them using the hashtag #SmarterLiving on our Facebook and Twitter pages!