Darkness Into Light Ambassador: Judy Shevlin, French Grey Lifestyle

Darkness Into Light Ambassador: Judy Shevlin, French Grey Lifestyle

Best known for her successful lifestyle blog French Grey Lifestyle, Judy Shevlin is a Mental Health Nurse and is a proud ambassador of Darkness Into Light this year.

We spoke to Judy about her involvement in Darkness Into Light, a campaign that is proudly supported by Electric Ireland, and the experience she has had with mental health through her role and blog platform.
Darkness Into Light 2018

Darkness Into Light Support

Judy will be further along in her pregnancy when the Darkness Into Light Walk takes place, so she may not participate in the whole 5k walk, but is looking forward to cheering everyone on in her hometown of Ballymena.

“I’m delighted to be supporting such a fantastic event and I’ll certainly be doing my bit to get the word out,” says Judy.

She goes on to say, “We really need to wake up and tackle the stigma around mental health, educating people, promoting a culture of acceptance and support for each other regardless of our background or circumstances.”


The Darkness Into Light walk emphasises the importance of being kind to ourselves and others in our daily lives, values which Judy holds on to in her personal and professional life.

I think the saying ‘Before You speak, ask yourself: is it true? is it necessary? is it kind?’ is a great little reminder that words are powerful and affect people - whether we intend for them to or not.”

In Judy’s job as a Mental Health Nurse she believes it is “imperative that you exhibit unconditional positive regard for all your patients.” She continues, “it’s so reassuring to see how one simple friendly, generous and considerate act can turn a bad day into a good day, whether it’s making someone a cup of tea or having a friendly conversation with them.”

Mental Wellness

Darkness Into Light 2018Judy is an advocate for mental wellness and stresses the importance of taking care of our own happiness as well as looking after others. French Grey Lifestyle was Judy’s positive outlet whilst working in a serious and sometimes stressful job.

However, Judy found she could also use the blog to help others. She explains, “As a qualified mental health professional, I saw an opportunity to do something positive; to use the platform I had been given in the form of my blog and Instagram profile to promote positive mental wellbeing online and offline.”

As for self-care, Judy recommends having a long luxurious bath, going for a brisk walk or even trying out an adult colouring book.

“Humour me on this, mindfulness colouring books are fantastic! They aim to focus your mind on colouring in a pattern and can be a great distraction for anxiety, chronic pain or general stress.”

Hope in the Darkness

Darkness Into Light aims to de-stigmatise suicide and self-harm and promote a message of hope.

“I would really urge anyone who believes they are having problems with their mental health to reach out and talk to someone as there is so much help available,” advises Judy.

She urges people to get in touch with local charities like PIPS who offer help.

“There is always hope. If you are reading this and are thinking about self-harm or have thoughts of life not being worth living, I urge you to reach out to an organisation or someone you trust.”


Electric Ireland and Pieta House, the organisers of Darkness Into Light, have joined together to de-stigmatise suicide and self-harm and promote a message of hope. 

Walk with us from Darkness Into Light at 4.15am on May 12th #DIL2018, proudly supported by Electric Ireland. Sign up at darknessintolight.ie.

Darkness Into Light 2018

If you have been affected any issues mentioned above and need to talk to someone then call Lifeline NI number 0808 808 8000.