Alastair Seeley’s Highlights, Tips & Goals for 2019

Motorcycle Racer Alastair Seeley Shares his Highlights and New Year Goals

2018 was a big year for Carrickfergus motorcycle racer Alastair Seeley (or the “Wee Wizard” as he is affectionately known) after winning two Supersport races and one Superstock race at the Vauxhall International Northwest 200, a championship he has won a race at every year since 2008. To date, Seeley has 24 race wins under his belt.

As proud sponsors of the motorcycle racer and as 2019 approaches, we were delighted to catch up with Alastair to dive a bit deeper into his career highlights so far, hear what he has planned for 2019 and gleam any new year inspiration from his sporting habits.

Life of a pro rider

Alastair SeeleyMany of us will have seen Alastair race around the circuit from the side lines or on our TV screens, but what are the secrets to the motorcycle racer’s success? 

“I study previous season races on YouTube and I look at timesheets, plus I walk the circuit the evening before I take to the circuit. I also like to get a good night’s sleep.

“My partner Danielle does the cooking at home and is a fan of the Joe Wicks Lean in 15 recipes. On race weekends we eat in hospitality, so it can be pasta, potatoes, meat, vegetables and sometimes even a dessert.”

In addition to good preparation and (semi-good) eating habits, Alastair tells us how he has incorporated yoga and stretching into his preparation.

“I like to stretch before I climb into my race suit and stretch just before I get onto the bike. I do yoga classes to stretch out and stay supple.”

Not letting the weather stop him, Alastair tells us he has bought a trials bike for winter training, allowing him to do some off-road riding should he want to.

With all this preparation involved, you may wonder how Alastair manages to switch off… We certainly did!  

“I take from the middle of October until beginning of December to chill out. I also take this opportunity to spend more time with the family.”

No rest for the racer

Despite all his major wins over the years, Alastair doesn’t look to be resting on his laurels just yet. If anything, he has big plans for 2019 – and beyond.    

“I hope to win the British Supersport championship in 2019 and keep my winning streak going at the North West 200,” he says.   

“The last couple of years haven’t been solid with regard to the British championship. I’ve been a development rider, and switched teams halfway through this season. However, I eventually found my happy place with EHA racing and won two international road races and a few British championship wins which have set me up nicely for 2019. I will be EHA’s sole representative in the Supersport class.”

Seeley Inspiration

In the spirit of new year inspo, we asked Alastair if he had any heroes who have inspired his success over the years. Not wanting to mention just one, he shared some character traits that have inspired him along the way: “It would be those champions who have the hunger and desire to keep pushing themselves to be the best – those who have been adding titles to their previous ones.” 

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