A Guide to Energy and Electricity Changes When Moving to A New Home

Energy and Electricity Guide for New Homeowners

When moving to a new home, it pays to think ahead when it comes to the transitioning of your energy and electricity. Aside from ignoring those unpacked boxes, changing over your electricity will be a definite must on your to-do list. 
Electric Ireland-Guide to Moving House

In an average month in the UK, around 100,000 households will move into a new home. Unfortunately, we cannot help with the 100,000 arguments over who gets the biggest room or needs to clean out the fridge, however, what we can do is assist you in changing your energy and electricity when needed.

Switching Electric Ireland Account to Your New Home

With so many thoughts whizzing around your head, a simple and stress-free switch is a must. The first thing to do is to contact us at 0345 600 5335 to switch over your new address.

You will need the following information at the ready:

  • Your name
  • The address of your new home
  • Your Electric Ireland account number for your previous address if applicable
  • Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) from the previous occupant if possible (this is
  • Meter reading - Agreed transfer meter reading with the previous home owner is possible

After completing this phone call, your new home should be all singing and dancing when it comes to having your energy and electricity set up.

New Electric Ireland Customers

Electric Ireland - House MoversIf you are not an existing customer of Electric Ireland and like the idea of having us as your new energy provider, all you need to do is register online and provide us with a meter reading.

If the previous occupant has not left their Pay as You Go Electricity Card, or if your new home is not supplied by Electric Ireland, we can arrange a transfer for you on your request. You can start by contacting our friendly customer services team at 0345 600 5335 anytime between 8.30 am - 7.00pm Monday to Friday to organise your transfer (call 0044 345 600 5335 from Republic of Ireland).

Security deposit

If you choose not to pay your electricity direct debit, and are not a Pay as You Go customer, there is a security deposit of £135. We will refund this security deposit to your account after 12 months. This is provided that during the previous 12 months, all accounts have been paid on-time and in full.

After this – you will be good to go! Well… at least ready to move on to the next thing on your list!

Switch & Save up to £50 this Spring!

Switch & Save