A Guide to Northern Ireland's Top Cycle Trails

Northern Ireland's Top Cycle Trails

NI Cycle RoutesGetting out into the outdoors is a great way to live smarter and revitalise ourselves, and it is often best experienced when on two wheels. As we reach the height of summer, there is no better time to hop on a bike and experience the best of Northern Ireland. 

From traffic-free cycles in the city centre, to more adventurous cycles amidst Northern Ireland’s best countryside, there are endless spots to go cycling either on your own, with family or with friends.

To help you choose a great cycling experience, below we have listed the top cycle trails across Northern Ireland.

Comber Greenway, County Down / Antrim

Comber Greenway is a 7-mile long traffic-free path that leads cyclists (and walkers) from Comber to Belfast. Based along what was once an old railway, the trail provides a great opportunity to soak up Comber’s countryside, the River Enler and the best of East Belfast. With the trail passing through CS Lewis Square, cyclists can choose to stop for a cuppa at JACK’s café or a bite to eat at the newly opened Pot Kettle Black restaurant cafe. Back on the Greenway are then views out over Stormont, Harland and Woolf cranes and the Belfast Hills to enjoy.   

Davagh Forest Trail, County Tyrone

NI Cycle Route-Davagh TrailTrust us, Davagh Forest Trail’s beautiful forest is a world away from household chores or busy schedules! Just beyond Cookstown, the trail has wonderful green surroundings and the Davagh Water to look forward to when cycling through it.  A gentle 3 km green trail best suits young families, then its 7.5 km and 16 km trails for more experienced and adventurous cyclists.  

Ballycarton Wood / Binevenagh Trail, County Derry - Londonderry

Based near Limavady, the family-friendly Ballycarton Wood cycle route offers views out over Lough Foyle, Magillan and Benone Strand. Stretching three miles and with a shop not in sight, it is advisable to bring a picnic for some refuelling along the trail. Cyclists are treated to the Nature Reserve and the cliff face of Binevenagh when cycling along this trail.     

Castle Ward, County Down

NI Cycle Routes-Castle WardCastle Ward has endless great mountain bike trails which are suitable for cyclists of every level.  From its easy-going green trail to its fast and thrilling blue trail, there is something for everyone.

Set along Strangford Lough and with the beautiful demesne of Castle Ward as its base, it would be easy to spend a whole day cycling here. Stop at one of the picnic areas for a well-deserved lunch or snack break.

Newry Canal Towpath, County Armagh

Stretching for 18 miles from the Point of Whitecoast to Victoria Locks in Newry, this cycling trail will inevitably take up a whole day of cycling. Be prepared for a day spent following the path’s trail along the canal and over bridges as you pass by River Cusher and Newry’s pretty countryside.

Crom, County Fermanagh

This cycle towards Crom Castle is probably one of Northern Ireland’s most picturesque. An Old Castle lies along the trail, as well as one of Ireland's oldest yew trees sits, said to be over 1,000 years old. There is even more to admire within the grounds of the castle, including a pretty boathouse that lies along the lough, and a bridge leading out to Inisherk Island. Covering just over three miles, this is a leisurely cycle that will spoil you with its many beautiful surroundings.  

Visit cycleni.com for information on all the routes mentioned above.

Images courtesy of Tourism NI.

Have you any favourite cycle trails in Northern Ireland? Share them using the hashtag #SmarterLiving on Facebook and Twitter.

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