7 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself and Others

7 Tops Tips for Being Kind to Yourself and Others

Darkness Into Light 2018Electric Ireland is proud to sponsor Darkness Into Light, an event in support of Pieta House that is asking the people of Ireland to ‘Wake Up’ to the critical issue of suicide and self-harm. Pieta House aims to replace suicide, self-harm and stigma with hope, self-care and acceptance.

In support of this important cause, we’re looking at how we can be kind to ourselves and others in this increasingly busy world. Taking the time to value ourselves and others can make a world of difference and below are a few simple tips for being kind that can be integrated into our everyday lives.

1. Smile

A simple smile holds so much power. This ultimate expression of kindness is easily done at the school gates or to your neighbour. A smile is said to be contagious and can brighten someone’s day by making them feel connected with the world.

2. Listen to Others

Darkness Into Light 2018We are all guilty of having a conversation with someone when our mind is elsewhere, or when we are scrolling through our phones. Taking time to give someone your undivided attention allows people to feel important and ultimately makes for a better relationship.

3. Be Grateful

Taking time to express gratitude towards the people around you for little or big things is so important. Make sure to thank your Mum for picking the kids up from school everyday or tell the café worker how much you enjoyed your coffee this morning. This kind gesture could really make someone feel appreciated.

4. Avoid Judgements

Judging people is a negative and time-consuming task. Making a conscious effort when you wake up in the morning to hold back your judgments will not only improve your life but also others. Treating everyone with respect is doing your little bit to increase the kindness in the world around you.

5. Use Social Media for Good

As much as we love social media, there is no doubt it can cause us to compare our lives with others and leave us feeling discontented. If you find a quote or a message that has brought joy to your day, why not share it with others? Little Penny Thoughts is a fantastic account filled with positive messages to encourage others.

6. Sharing is Caring

Sharing is a beautiful way to show others what they mean to you. Making your favourite chilli dish this weekend? Why not invite your friends or family members round to share it. Or, have you read a page-turning book on holiday? Pass your book on to someone else to enjoy it.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Self-care is so important and when we begin to find joy in ourselves it makes it easier to be kind to others. Don’t be afraid to take time out for yourself. Take some me time and have a bath, attend a yoga class or just treat yourself to a coffee - do whatever makes you happy!


Wake Up and Walk From Darkness Into Light

Wake Up and Walk from Darkness Into Light on 12th May. This is a vital event for fundraising, raising awareness and bringing people together to create a suicide-free world. Sign up at darknessintolight.ie.   
Darkness Into Light 2018