7 Things Every GAA Minor Mum Will Be Familiar With

7 Things Every GAA Minor Mum Will Be Familiar With

Electric Ireland-GAA MumVolunteers embody all that is good about the GAA, and for most minor football and hurling stars, the help they receive begins long before they step foot on to the football field. Parents play a big role in the development of minor sports stars, and for many young footballers and hurlers, mum is central to this. As we continue to countdown towards the semi-finals and finals of the Electric Ireland GAA Minor Championship, we thought we’d look at seven things that the mum of every GAA minor footballer will be familiar with.

7 Things a GAA Minor’s Mum Will Be Familiar With:

1) More Washing

One thing every GAA mum will know about is the increased washing that comes with pre-season and indeed the championship period. Extra training sessions will mean training gear needs to be cleaned more regularly and with that comes more washing. But sure, you wouldn’t have it any other way!

Switch today and find out how you can save up to £50 on your electricity over the next 12 months. This could help soften any increase in bills from those extra loads of washing! Or, it could help towards buying new gear for your minor GAA star.

2) Expensive Boots Improve Their Play

And speaking of new gear, that £50 could soon come in very handy when it comes to purchasing that next pair of football boots. Long gone are the days when you would be buying a pair of simple black football boots for your son. Today, it’s the latest design and colours that matter most and apparently, the more expensive the boots, the better they will play.

At least you can draw comfort in the fact that these expensive boots might just have a full season in them!

3) Training Gear Must Be Easy to Find

When it comes to training evenings and match day, if there is one thing every GAA minor mum knows, it’s that shorts, socks, boots and other training gear must be easily found. There will be no last-minute dashes to find football gear; this is major!

4) Training and Match Day Mean Early Dinners

In addition to having football gear ready, pre-game meals are very important in the lead up to any big match. This means having dinner ready well in advance, with no fast food allowed. Pasta and rice will quickly become every mum’s best friend.

5) Post Training Meals at The Ready

And if pre-game meals weren’t enough, you will need to have something ready to eat following a training session or match. Just remember, better keep conversation to a minimum if your teenage son is on the losing side.

6) It’s Not Just Any Old Game

No matter who they play, no minor game will just be “any old game”.  This is of course an important stage of their GAA career and they are playing with friends they have grown up with; so every game is major, especially when it comes to championship season.

7) Don’t Be Too Enthusiastic

Showing your support is great, and your minor son will appreciate it (even if they don’t appear to). One thing many minor mums will be familiar with though is crossing the line from showing your support to being overly enthusiastic. Roaring and shouting from the side line, and showing your support during games is great, but when you’re the only voice being heard in the crowd it might be time to calm things down a little.

Show Your Appreciation for Your Mum

Did your mum do a lot for you during your minor career or perhaps she is helping you week in week out as you continue your minor adventure? Let us know what your mum does to help you become a minor star over on our Facebook and Twitter page using #GAAThisIsMajor.