Electric Ireland guide - Moving into your new home
When you are moving house, you need to contact us at 0345 600 5335 to switch your new address to Electric Ireland.
You will need the following information to complete this task…
- Your name
- The address of your new home
- Your Electric Ireland account number for your previous address if applicable
- MPRN. From previous occupant if possible
- Meter reading - Agreed transfer meter reading with the departing occupant if possible
Security deposit
If you choose not to pay by Direct Debit, and are not a Pay As You Go customer, you are required to pay a security deposit of £135.
Electric Ireland will refund this security deposit to your account after 12 months. This is provided that all accounts have been paid on-time and in full, during the previous 12 months.
Pay As You Go Keypad meter customers
When you move in to your new address, you should register with Electric Ireland and provide us with a meter reading as soon as possible.
If the previous occupier has not left their Pay As You Go Electricity Card and you wish to register your keypad meter with us….or if the new property is not supplied by Electric Ireland, we can also arrange a transfer for you on request.
Contact our customer services team at 0345 600 5335.
If you wish to have a Pay As You Go Keypad Meter installed, please call us on 0345 600 5335 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm).
If you are calling from the Republic of Ireland please call 0044 345 600 5335.